Well-Being and Wonder

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Feelings of Sadness and Overwhelm

Why are we so sad and overwhelmed these days?  I asked my angels for help in answering these questions and waited for their response.  Why is there so much sadness?  Overwhelm? 

Enjoy this beautiful and concise answer they shared with me and may it bless your heart with so much love.  May this message be a remedy for you if you are feeling a sense of sadness or overwhelm, for indeed you are not alone.


Well-Being and Wonder

Dear Beloved Ones,

In your busy lives where, instant news and connection is possible all of the time, you are feeling a sense of overwhelm, of tiredness or unworthiness.  Never before has so much information been available 24/7/365.  It is exhausting.  You, precious one, are exhausted.  Exhausted with the excess, exhausted with the trite, exhausted with the nastiness that you see and hear.  As a sensitive soul, it is overwhelming.  It is draining your precious life force energy. 

Just as a loving parent guides an exhausted child to nap, to rest, to take a time out, we invite you to gift yourself the precious gift of stillness, of rest, of quiet.  It will be the best medicine for your feeling of overwhelm. 

Schedule in some time to get still, to rest, to restore your precious soul and know that you are worthy.  This is of paramount importance, dear heart. 

Your precious inner child seeks this nurturing more than you can imagine. 

If you need help with scheduling this necessary self-care, just ask us.  We can “move mountains” of obstacles that seemingly block your next move.  We remind you that you are deserving of this self-care.  It does not mean you are weak or childish or unable to cope.  It means you are wisely acknowledging this basic life need to rest to restore and to rejuvenate. 

We encourage you with so much love always,

Your Angels of Restoration